Monetary Donations

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and most donations are tax deductible.

Donations of all types are very much appreciated; however, monetary donations allow us flexibility to to target the animals’ greatest needs.

Tax ID: 263581780

In Kind Donations

Prefer to contribute specific items? We have wish lists if you would like some suggestions to donate specific items needed to help maintain our standards for high quality animal care. Just click on the buttons below for our wish lists.

Become a Member

Click on the picture for a list benefits of becoming a member and to sign up!

Join Our Team of Volunteers

Click on the picture for information about volunteer opportunities and to get started today!!

Other Fun Ways to Help!

Plan your next special event with us! Consider a Private Tour, Educational Program, Private Celebration, or a visit to the gift shop during our Open Hours.

All income directly supports The care of our Animals and our mission.